Endodontic Courses for Dentists

Endodontic Study Club Sevenoaks

I started the Endodontic Study Club in Tunbridge Wells in 2010, organizing evening meetings at Pembury Hospital, however as we no longer have the support of the Hospital Post Graduation Centre, I decided to move the Study Club to Sevenoaks and run these courses through my own Practice.

I am planning to run evening meetings on Endodontics and other related topics with guest speakers Please check this page for upcoming events.

I started running ‘Hands on’ courses in July 2023 with a limited number of delegates, so as to provide the best one to one tuition, and to date we have successfully run 4 such courses with excellent feed back.

I am running more courses in the near future.

To find out more about these courses / meetings

  • check this page

  • contact the Practice by email: info@pearldcs.co.uk

  • call the Practice on 01732 453214 or call / text Karim directly on 07795600915

Next Endo Course:

Upcoming Courses:
Hands on Endo

1) Wednesday 26th March
One place remaining on this course!

Friday 2nd May
This course is fully booked.

6 hours verifiable CPD
Maximum number of delegates in each course: 3

The course covers:
1) Protaper Ultimate Files
2) TruNatomy Files
3) Biodentine Cement to preserve tooth vitality

Delegates will be practicing on plastic blocks and extracted teeth.

During the course there will be lecture / discussion on:
- Diagnosis
- ⁠Predicting outcome of treatment
- ⁠Treatment planning
- ⁠Microbiology / Biofilm
- ⁠Irrigation 
- Magnification
- ⁠Concept of using Hand files
- Obturation
- ⁠RCT re-treatment cases
- ⁠Isolation: Rubber Dam

9:00 - 16:00
Registration and refreshments 9:00-9:30.
Venue: Pearl Dental Care Sevenoaks
Lunch 13:00 - 14:00

Course Fee: £500
Newly qualified dentists: £350

All materials, lunch, refreshments and car park provided.
You can park your car in our practice car park.
Sevenoaks train station is 15 minutes walking distance. We can pick you up from station if you are coming by train.