Oral Surgery
Oral Surgery
Dr Maria Devine is passionate about all aspects of Oral Surgery. Maria has a calm and relaxed manner which puts patients at their ease.
Maria is available to see both adults and children on referral who require Oral Surgery or Dental Implants.
Oral surgery refers to any medical procedure performed on the mouth with specific regard to the teeth, jaw, and or gums.
Oral surgery performed in a dental practice is quite common and requires only a local anaesthetic. Many people don’t realise that simply having a tooth extracted is a form of oral surgery !
There is no need to let the term frighten you or make you feel apprehensive
You are in safe hands
A dentist will normally refer patients to an Oral Surgeon for issues such as ;
Wisdom teeth extraction
Complex extractions
Correction of congenital defects
Soft tissue biopsies
If you have a complicated medical history
An oral surgeon is trained and skilled in the following procedures and many others
Types of treatment include
Removal of impacted and / or diseased teeth
Evaluation and treatment of conditions such as cysts / lumps / lesions of the mouth or face, severe oral infections etc.
Diagnosing and treating facial pain caused by temporomandibular joint issues or other types of joint problems
Placement of Dental Implants
Prescribing the necessary medications following a procedure including pain management medications, antibiotics etc.
There are other services an oral surgeon may perform, and your dentist will be able to advise, inform, and refer you should any procedure be deemed necessary.
Important terms
Third molars – these are commonly known as ‘wisdom teeth’ and often cause problems requiring extraction
Impacted teeth – these are teeth that for one reason or another cannot fully erupt into the mouth – they are sometimes removed
Specialist – someone who is on the General Dental Council Specialist List for Oral Surgery
Sedation – a medication designed to help anxious patients during procedures, sometimes used for more complex procedures if necessary
Procedures Dr Maria Devine provides include
Impacted wisdom tooth removal
Simple and Surgical extractions
Apical Surgery
Removal of cysts and benign lesions
Soft tissue biopsy ( including histology )
Frenectomy (release of lip and tongue tie )
Consultation for temporomandibular joint disorders
TMJ ( Temporomandibular Joint Disfunction) injection
Sinus lift and bone grafting
Dental Implant placement
Extraction with bone preservation for implant surgery
*These treatments can be offered with sedation if required .
Please be aware that a separate consultation appointment is required prior to any treatment under sedation.
Oral Surgery Fees
*Consultation appointment £100
*Dental Implant Consultation £100
* this fee will be deducted from the total charge if treatment is carried out
Extractions from £400
Surgical Extractions from £500
Children’s extractions from £200
Apicectomy from £500
Frenectomy ( tongue- tie release ) £500
Excision of Soft Tissue Lesions £500 (excluding Histopathology)
Injection for TMJ £100
*Sedation per session £ 350 (up to 1 hour)
*Please note Sedation requires a medical assessment to check health & suitability.
This assessment needs to be carried out in a separate appointment prior to any sedation & treatment.